Category: Miscellaneous

  • Presentation of our Annual Awards

    [custom_frame_center][/custom_frame_center] At last Tuesday’s meeting, Jonathan Fleisch, our president, presented our annual Podium awards for our Toastmaster year: 2011-2012. Every year, Podium presents three awards to deserving recipients. The Stalwart Award-is awarded to the member who attends consistently attends the most meetings throughout the Toastmaster year. The Toastmaster of the Year Award-is awarded to the…

  • Our members get in the Hallowe’en spirit!

    On Tuesday October 30th, the theme of our meeting was “Feel the Fear and Do it Anyways”. Some of our members certainly had no fear as they dressed up to show off their Halloween spirit. Feel free to share the group photo from our Photo Gallery from the meeting through Facebook or your Twitter account.